Tuesday, August 25, 2009

She's ours!

In the lunch time picture of Haddie sitting in Colette's lap... little Haddie is peeling and eating the insides from her McDonald's French Fries. I guess you can do that when you have such teeny tiny fingers (smile). She wasn't crazy about the chicken nuggets.

According to Chinese legal system she is ours! We went back to the same Chinese Adoption Center today where money was exchanged, questioned answered, documents signed and pictures taken. Whew! Next stop - the police station (sorry no pictures there) for her Chinese passport....that comes tomorrow morning. After the police station - shopping over on Shamian Island. There are certain places you can't take pictures....police stations, banks, etc.... How do I know...on Monday when we went as a group to exchange our currency - I took a picture through the glass of the bank teller counting all the money. It was fascinating! However, a police officer un-kindly told me to delete the picture. Oh those goofy Americans...

Colette is feeling a little better - still congested...and a dry cough.

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